Dear Art Has Heart Family,
On October 1st, I will be turning 80. Born in the midst of a War my parents cherished the birth of their first born. They had dreams for their son, and I grew up chasing dreams.
Amado Peña Sr., Me (Amado), and María Arámbula Peña
My dream of becoming an artist became a reality. For many young people, their dreams of becoming an artist or having a career in the arts elude them because of their families’ economic needs. Art Has Heart was created to help these talented and motivated students pursue a career in the arts.
Please join Art Has Heart in making scholarships available to these students by donating to Art Has Heart as a birthday gift to me. Since 80 is my number this year, open your hearts with an $80 donation. All donations to Art Has Heart are tax deductible.
Your donation to Art Has Heart may be made by visiting the website,, or by mailing a check to Art Has Heart 23 A Arroyo Nambe Santa Fe, NM 87506.
With Love Always,
Amado M. Peña, Jr.